3 Mineral Supplements For Thyroid Health

A malfunctioning thyroid can create many health problems. The thyroid gland itself, while unimpressive in size or appearance, is a major player in health. Many people are vaguely aware that thyroid hormones are important in regulating metabolism. We have all heard someone say that their weight is related to their thyroid. A thyroid that is not functioning properly can cause someone to become overweight. This is true.

Mineral Supplement

However, many do not realize how important the thyroid is to other functions of the body as well. Thyroid hormones assist the body in making use of vitamins, the proper growth of body tissues, the use of other hormones of the body, and the regulation of energy. Various diseases can affect the thyroid gland. Most commonly, the results are either the production of too much thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism), or not enough (hypothyroidism).

Mineral Supplement

Even a normally healthy thyroid can begin to malfunction, producing, among other things, weight gain and loss of energy. Other difficulties related to the body's inability to effectively make use of vitamins can also occur. One way to help keep the thyroid healthy is through supplementation with these three minerals.


Probably one of the most important characteristics of selenium, in addition to its value for thyroid health, is that it acts as an antioxidant, protecting the cells inside the body from the damaging and potentially dangerous effects of free radicals. Over time, damaged cells can lead to the development of many illnesses and diseases including heart disease and cancer. It is considered a trace mineral and is only required in small amounts, but a lack can be devastating to your health. Selenium is also considered important in detoxifying the body.


As this trace mineral is ingested, either through iodized salt or by use of a daily multivitamin, 75% of this mineral makes its way to the thyroid gland. Once there, iodine will up with two important hormones that are produced by the thyroid gland: triiodothyronine and thyroxine. Working together, these will help the thyroid regulate energy and metabolism.


One of zinc's most important responsibilities is to help ensure that the various stages of growth occur along normal guidelines. This begins with pregnancy and continues through childhood and adolescence. It is also needed to ensure that your reproductive system develops normally. Zinc is another trace mineral which helps the thyroid function properly. As with any part of the body, regular exercise, proper nutrition, and rest can be important to thyroid health. A healthy lifestyle can help offset some of the effects of a malfunctioning thyroid as well.

While taking the three mineral supplements of selenium, iodine, and zinc can help with thyroid health, do not expect drastic or overnight results. However, using these three nutrients over a long period, in combination with a healthy lifestyle, can contribute effectively to thyroid health.

3 Mineral Supplements For Thyroid Health
Mineral Supplement

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